The BC Centre for Palliative Care’s publications include peer-reviewed journal articles, reports, white papers, educational publications, and other online resources.
The publications are grouped into topics and target audiences and sorted by publication date.
Click on the topic area below to view publications related to it.
Clinicians’ experiences implementing an advance care planning pathway in two Canadian provinces: a qualitative study.
Julie Stevens, Dawn Elston, Amy Tan, Doris Barwich, Rachel Zoe Carter, Diana Cochrane, Nicole Frenette & Michelle Howard . (2024) BMC Primary Care
Advance care planning in British Columbia: awareness and engagement (2012–2020).
Rachel Z. Carter, Eman Hassan, Doris Barwich. (2024) BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care
A model for community-led peer-facilitated advance care planning workshops for the public.
Rachel Z. Carter, Eman Hassan, Pat Porterfield, Doris Barwich. (2023) Palliative Care and Social Practice
Primary Care Provider’s perceptions on the integration of community-led Advance Care Planning activities with primary care: a cross-sectional survey.
Rachel Z Carter, Monika Ludwig, Angela Gao, Amy Tan, Doris Barwich & Michelle Howard. (2023) BMC Primary Care
Community-led, peer-facilitated Advance Care Planning workshops prompt increased Advance Care Planning behaviors among public attendees.
Rachel Z. Carter, Ellie Siden, Amber Husband, Doris Barwich, Shimae Soheilipour, Jennifer Kryworuchko, Richard Sawatzky, Arminee Kazanjian, Kelli Stajduhar, Eman Hassan. (2023) PEC Innovation
“Now I get what’s important” – Shifting philosophies of hospice society staff and trained volunteers involved in peer-facilitated Advance Care Planning workshops for the public.
L Mróz, S Soheilipour, Ellie Siden, RZ Carter, J Kryworuchko, R Sawatzky, A Husband, K Stajduhar, D Barwich, E Hassan. (2023) Patient Education and Counselling
Part of the solution: A survey of community organisation perspectives on barriers and facilitating actions to Advance Care Planning in British Columbia, Canada.
Ellie G. Siden, Rachel Z. Carter, Doris Barwich, Eman Hassan. (2021) Health Expectations
Evaluation of 2021 Advance Care Planning Day Campaign in BC.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2021) White Paper
Implementing Advance Care Planning Tools in Practice: A Modified World Café to Elicit Barriers and Recommendations from Potential Adopters.
Michelle Howard, Dawn Elston, Brian De Vries, Sharon Kaassalainen, Gloria Gutman, Marilyn Swinton, Rachel Z. Carter, Tamara Sussman, Doris Barwich, Robin Urquhart, Dev Jayaraman, Peter Munene and John J. You. (2021) Healthcare Quarterly
Effect of “Speak Up” educational tools to engage patients in advance care planning in outpatient healthcare settings: A prospective before-after study.
Michelle Howard, Carole Robinson, Michael McKenzie, Gillian Fyles, Louise Hanvey, Doris Barwich, Carrie Bernard, Dawn Elston, Amy Tan, Lorenz Yeung, Daren Heyland. (2021) Patient Education and Counselling
Advance Care Planning for People Living with Dementia: Environmental Scan.
Nicole Chovil for BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2020) White Paper [Project page]
Effect of an interactive website to engage patients in advance care planning in outpatient settings.
Michelle Howard, Carole A. Robinson, Michael McKenzie, Gillian Fyles, Rebecca L. Sudore, Elizabeth Andersen, Neha Arora, Doris Barwich, Carrie Bernard, Dawn Elston, Rebecca Heyland, Doug Klein, Erin McFee, Lawrence Mroz, Marissa Slaven, Amy Tan and Daren K. Heyland. (2020) Annals of Family Medicine
Advance Care Planning for Culturally Diverse Communities (2019-2021): Environmental Scan.
Diana Cochrane for BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Primary care clinicians’ confidence, willingness participation and perceptions of roles in advance care planning discussions with patients: a multi-site survey.
Michelle Howard, Jessica Langevin, Carrie Bernard, Amy Tan, Doug Klein, Marissa Slaven, Doris Barwich, Dawn Elston, Neha Arora, and Daren K Heyland. (2019) Family Practice
Integration Of A Palliative Approach To Care And The Role Of Serious Illness Conversations In Advance Care Planning.
Carolyn Tayler, Pat Porterfield, Gillian Fyles, Elzabeth Beddard-Huber, Eman Hassan, Rachel Carter, Erin Donald, Doris Barwich. (2019) White Paper
Best Practices and Core Elements Advance Care Planning Documentation in BC.
Doris Barwich, Rachel Carson, Gillian Fyles, Carolyn Taylor, Frances Wong. (2018) White Paper
Older patient engagement in advance care planning in Canadian primary care practices: Results of a multi-site survey.
Michelle Howard, Carrie Bernard, Doug Klein, Amy Tan, Marissa Slaven, Doris Barwich, John J. You, Gabriel Asselin, Jessica Simon and Daren K. Heyland. (2018) Canadian Family Physician
Barriers to and enablers of advance care planning with patients in primary care: survey of health care providers.
Michelle Howard, Carrie Bernard, Doug Klein, Dawn Elston, Amy Tan, Marissa Slaven, Doris Barwich, John J. You and Daren K. Heyland. (2018) Canadian Family Physician
Advance Care Planning in Canada.
Doris Barwich, John You, Jessica Simon, Louise Hanvey, Cari Hoffman. (2018) Advance Care Planning in End-of-Life Care, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition., Keri Thomas, Ben Lobo, Karen Detering (Editors)
Recognizing difficult trade-offs: values and treatment preferences for end-of-life care in a multi-site survey of adult patients in family practices.
Michelle Howard, Nick Bansback, Amy Tan, Douglas Klein, Carrie Bernard, Doris Barwich, Peter Dodek, Aman Nijjar, Daren K. Heyland. (2017) BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Efficacy of ‘Speak Up’ Tools to Improve Patient Engagement in Advance Care Planning.
Louise Hanvey, Michelle Howard, Dawn Elston, Neha Arora, Larry Mroz, Doris Barwich, Rebecca Heyland, Daren Heyland. (2016) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Beyond resuscitate and do-not-resuscitate.
Jessica E Simon, Eric Wasylenko, Doris Barwich. (2014) Canadian Medical Association Journal
Supporting Interprofessional Engagement in Serious Illness Conversations.
Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, Susan Brown, Vicki Kennedy, Sungyou Park, Patricia Strachan, Maria Mia Marles, Della Roberts. (2021) Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
Adaptations to the Serious Illness Conversation Guide to Be More Culturally Safe.
Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, Gina Gaspard, Kathleen Yue. (2020) International Journal of Indigenous Health
Implementation of the Serious Illness Conversation Program – Lessons Learned from a Canadian Provincial Health System.
Elizabeth Beddard-Huber, Gillian Fyles, Carolyn Tayler, Doris Barwich, Eman Hassan, Siobhan Ma. (2020) White Paper
Integration Of a Palliative Approach to Care and the Role of Serious Illness Conversations in Advance Care Planning.
Carolyn Tayler, Pat Porterfield, Gillian Fyles, Elzabeth Beddard-Huber, Eman Hassan, Rachel Carter, Erin Donald, Doris Barwich. (2019) White Paper
Enablers and Barriers to Using the Serious Illness Conversation Guide: A Quality Improvement Initiative with BC Cancer Clinicians.
Winston Cheung MSI 4, Gillian Fyles MD, CFPC(PC) BC-CPC, Elizabeth Beddard-Huber RN, MSN, CHPCN©, BC-CPC, Michael McKenzie MD, FRCPC (Radiation Oncology), BC Cancer, Antony Porcino, PhD, BC Cancer. (N.D.) White Paper
Symptom Management Guide for Health Care Assistants.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2023) Report [Resource page]
Building Palliative Care Capacity for Generalist Providers in the Community: Results from the CAPACITI Pilot Education Program.
Seow H, Bainbridge D, Stajduhar K, Marshall D, Howard M, Brouwers M, Barwich D, Burge F, Kelley ML. (2022) American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework: Discipline Specific Competencies for Hospice Volunteers.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2021) White Paper [Project page]
Choosing Educational Resources to Build Interprofessional, Palliative Care Competency: A Replicable Review Methodology.
Kathleen Yue, Carolyn Taylor. (2020) Journal of Palliative Care
ECHO BC Palliative Psychosocial Pilot Evaluation. [Report]
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2020) Report
BC Health Care Assistants: Assessment of education and support needs during COVID-19. [Report]
Kathleen Yue, Kath Murray for BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2020) Report
Inter-Professional COVID-Palliative Competencies.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2020) White Paper
A Framework for Palliative Care Education and Training in British Columbia.
Kathleen Yue, Carolyn Taylor, Julia Ridley. (2020) White Paper
COVID-Palliative Resources for Nurses, NPs, Physicians, Social Workers, Counsellors and Health Care Assistants.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2020) White Paper
BC Inter-Professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) Guidelines
Hospice Care in British Columbia: A Current State of Assessment.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) Report
Review of Competency Based Education Resources.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework: Discipline Specific Competencies for Physician & Nurse Practitioners.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework: Discipline Specific Competencies for Nurses.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework. [Project Page] [White Paper]
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework: Discipline Specific Competencies for Health-care Assistants.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Inter-professional Palliative Competency Framework: Discipline Specific Competencies for Social Workers/Counsellors.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2019) White Paper [Project page]
Integration of a Palliative Approach to Care and The Role of Serious Illness Conversations in Advance Care Planning.
Carolyn Tayler, Pat Porterfield, Gillian Fyles, Elzabeth Beddard-Huber, Eman Hassan, Rachel Carter, Erin Donald, Doris Barwich. (2019) White Paper
In Response to “Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada”. [Journal Article]
Michael Ross McKenzie, Philippa Helen Hawley, Doris Barwich, Howard J. Lim. (2018) Journal of Oncology Practice
Giving voice to older adults living with frailty and their family caregivers: engagement of older adults living with frailty in research, health care decision making, and in health policy.
Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, Joyce Resin, Lisa Anne Ashley, Doris Barwich, Jacobi Elliott, Paul Huras, France Légaré, Megan Mahoney, Alies Maybee, Heather McNeil, Daryl Pullman, Richard Sawatzky, Paul Stolee, John Muscedere. (2016) Research Involvement and Engagement
The Public Health Approach to Palliative Care Principles, Models, and International Perspectives.
Eman Hassan. (2015) White Paper
The Serious Illness Conversation Guide Adapted with First Nations People.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (N.D.) White Paper
Improving End-of-Life Communication and Decision Making: The Development of Conceptual Framework and Quality Indicators.
Tasnim Sinuff, Peter Dodek, John You, Doris Barwich, Carolyn Tayler, James Downar, Michael Hartwick, Christopher Frank, Henry T. Stelfox, Daren K Heyland. (2015) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Expert Consensus Statement: Nursing decision-making for subcutaneous medication preparation and administration in home-based palliative care
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2024) Project page
Consensus-Informed Recommendations for a Standardized Form/Format for Levels of Intervention/Code Status in British Columbia: The FLICS Project.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2023) White Paper [Project page]
Staffing a Specialist Palliative Care Service, a Team-Based Approach: Expert Consensus White Paper.
John David Henderson, Anne Boyle, Leonie Herx, Aleco Alexiadis, Doris Barwich, Stephanie Connidis, David Lysecki, and Aynharan Sinnarajah. (2019) Journal of Palliative Medicine
Bereavement in the Context of Homelessness: A Rapid Review.
(English version) (French version)
Jody Monk, Joshua Black, Rachel Carter, Eman Hassan. (2023) Death Studies
Bereavement in the Context of Homelessness: A Rapid Review. (Summary)
(English version) (French version)
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2024). Article review
Frontline workers’ perspectives considering the dual experience of bereavement
in the context of homelessness in British Columbia, Canada .
(English version) (French version)
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2024). Article review
Collaborative action plan for accessible, appropriate, and equitable grief and bereavement support in British Columbia: An evidence-informed approach.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2023). Report
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Grief & Bereavement: Literature Review Report
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2023). Report
Evaluation Guide for Compassionate Communities.
Pallium Canada, BC Centre for Palliative Care, Hospice Palliative Care Ontario. (2023) White Paper
Fostering Resilient Compassionate Communities through Connection & Inspiration Symposium 2022: Report to Community.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (2022) White Paper
BC Compassionate Communities: Framework for Action.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (N.D.) White Paper
The Compassionate Community Toolkit.
BC Centre for Palliative Care. (N.D.) White Paper
The Public Health Approach to Palliative Care Principles, Models, and International Perspectives.
Eman Hassan. (2015) White Paper
Palliative care for young adults with life limiting conditions: Public health recommendations. British Medical Journal: Supportive and Palliative Care.
Karen Cook, Kim Bergeron. (2020) British Medical Journal: Supportive and Palliative Care
Using Group Concept Mapping to engage a hard-to-reach population in research: Young adults with life-limiting conditions.
Karen Cook, Kim Bergeron. (2019) International Journal of Qualitative Methods