Be Prepared in the Time of COVID-19
Discuss your health-care wishes, preferences and choices with your family and health-care providers. The Coronavirus pandemic is a chance for each one of us to have the conversations we all need.
Prepare your family to make decisions for you if you can’t make them at some point in the future.
Knowing what you want will ease the burden on your family of making hard decisions for you if you can’t speak for yourself.
Start planning for your future care now!
Start planning for your future care Now!
Download or print these resources to help you get started:
–Be Prepared in the Time of COVID-19: A step-by-step guide to advance care planning.
– Information you need to know about life-support treatments that may be offered in severe COVID-19 illness.
-Conversation starter with your family: This easy-to-use tool can help you start a conversation with your family and close friends about what matters to you and your goals of care.
–How to prepare for a conversation with your health-care providers about your serious illness, risk of getting sick with COVID-19, fears, preferred treatments and goals of care.
Visit our individuals and families webpage for more information and resources on Advance Care Planning.
Information about COVID-19 illness.
COVID-19 infection can cause illness ranging from a mild cold-like illness to a severe lung infection.
Symptoms can include: Fever, cough, sore throat, headache, runny nose, muscle ache, difficulty breathing.
If you have any of these symptoms, use the BC COVID-19 self-assessment online questionnaire to know what you should do next.
To protect yourself while out in public, wash your hands frequently and maintain a distance of about 2 metres from others. Public health officials’ advice is to stay at home and avoid social gathering to stop the virus. Avoid visiting people in hospitals or long-term care centres if they are sick or at high risk.
Visit the following resources for more information on COVID-19:
–HealthLink BC’s COVID-19 website
–BC Centre for Disease Control. COVID-19 resources in multiple languages
– Vancouver Coastal Health YouTube channel
–Fraser Health’s COVID-19 webpage
–Vancouver Island Health’s COVID-19 webpage
–Interior Health’s COVID-19 webpage
–Northern Health’s COVID-19 webpage
– Call 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300.
Information is available in different languages, 7:30 am – 8:00 pm.
Community Support Services
Volunteer support available for older adults
Older adults can call 2-1-1 or fill in an online form at to request volunteer help with grocery shopping, meal prep, and prescription pick-up, or receive friendly check-in calls. This service is available seven days a week during daytime hours. See BC government news release for further details.
A short video (1:36 minutes) with some themes that have arisen in our recent conversations with health-care providers
COVID-19 and palliative care event calendar. Find scheduled live webinars and education opportunities from organizations such as Pallium Canada, Centre to Advance Palliative Care and Canadian Virtual Hospice.
Symptom management for adult patients with COVID-19. Adapted in partnership with Fraser Health
Cited by this CMAJ article: Pandemic palliative care: beyond ventilators and saving lives
UBC Faculty of Medicine Division of Palliative Care. A provincial repository for documents and links related to palliative care for people with Covid-19.
COVID and Core Competencies Self-Assessment tool with resources for Generalist-ALL nurses, NPs, physicians, social workers, counsellors and health care assistants. This self-assessment tool includes links to suggested resources that address each competency. You can download this fillable pdf to complete the self-assessment or print. This resource document sorts the same resources by topic. If you have any questions about the resources please contact:
COVID-19 resources related to Serious Illness Conversations. Conversation tools and resources that have been adapted for use in the time of COVID-19
Stories of the Heart. Resources and supports for BC Health Care Assistants
Stories of the Heart – for Educators & Leaders. Resources and supports for educators & leaders of BC Health Care Assistants
Resources for the public regarding Advance Care Planning during COVID-19:
– Be prepared in the time of COVID-19. A step-by-step guide to advance care planning
– Information you need to know about life-support treatments that may be offered in severe COVID-19 illness.
NEW Resource for Long Term Care (LTC)
This 2-page handout contains links and descriptions of BCCPC resources to support health care providers and leaders working in LTC during this time of COVID-19.
Physical distancing doesn’t mean social isolation.
Help your community stay connected with acts of compassion and care during this challenging time. Simple gestures can make a huge difference in people’s lives. Stay safe while connecting with others.
Visit our community resources webpage to find helpful toolkit, downloadable resources, and inspiring stories and ideas.
Reach out to us at if you would like us to share your stories with others.
Safe Seniors, Strong Communities Program
Volunteers can sign up in this program to help seniors with grocery shopping, meal prep, and prescription pick-up, or provide friendly check-in calls.
Visit or call 2-1-1 for more information. See BC government news release for further details.
The Government of Canada’s $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund is now open. The Emergency Community Support Fund supports community organizations helping vulnerable people during the COVID-19 crisis. Community organizations may seek funds to undertake a wide range of activities and to serve a wide range of vulnerable groups.
Community organizations may apply for funds through either the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada or the United Way Centraide network. The right place to apply depends on the community organization’s type:
1. Non-profit organizations may apply to the Canadian Red Cross’ national portal here.
2. Registered charities and other qualified donees may apply to Community Foundations of Canada’s national portal here or to their local United Way Centraide (check the United Way Centraide Canada’s website here for information on how to apply).
Community organizations of both types can apply to the Canadian Red Cross for training and equipment to help their staff and volunteers prevent disease transmission.
You can find more information on the Emergency Community Support Fund’s website.