The Pandemic Made Me Do It


The Pandemic Made Me Do It – Moving from “death by PowerPoint” to engaging e-learning


Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021


Throughout the pandemic, educators have had to scramble to modify in-person sessions to online. Most of the time, the best we could do was PowerPoint over Zoom. The downside was that learners could have the camera off and could be snoozing, not even in the room, or even walking the dog. On the upside, those living in rural and remote areas or those who don’t have time to leave their desk have had more, and more accessible, education opportunities. How to keep the good and lose the bad? 

Past Sessions and Resources

November 2, 2021 2:00 pm PDT
November 2, 2021 10:00 pm PDT


Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021 


Throughout the pandemic, educators have had to scramble to modify in-person sessions to online. Most of the time, the best we could do was PowerPoint over Zoom. The downside was that learners could have the camera off and could be snoozing, not even in the room, or even walking the dog. On the upside, those living in rural and remote areas or those who don’t have time to leave their desk have had more, and more accessible, education opportunities. How to keep the good and lose the bad?

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