Events for Health-Care Professionals
The team at BCCPC has gathered links to education events designed for Health Care Providers caring for people affected by life-limiting illness. The events are not created or endorsed by BCCPC unless stated in the description.
Disenfranchised Loss: Addressing the Needs of Pet Loss Grief Support
onlineRegister Here Part of our Grief & Bereavement Literacy ECHO series Pet loss can evoke profound grief, yet this disenfranchised loss offers inadequate recognition and support in comparison to traditional grief support frameworks. This session aims to shed light on the unique challenges of pet loss grief and the importance of nurturing partnerships between […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 1: Principles of Palliative Care and Palliative Approach (Fall 2024)
Register Here This session introduces key concepts of a palliative approach. We will discuss who would benefit from a palliative approach to care and talk about a health care provider’s role in providing this approach to care for their patients. A case study will be discussed with participants to give opportunity to reflect on their […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 2: Cultural Safety & Humility (Fall 2024)
Register Here This session explores concepts such as privilege and how it can lead to culturally inappropriate care. Scenarios will be presented to learners and the session will focus on recognizing ways to respond, identifying that each individual we care for is unique, and understanding personal and systemic biases to work towards providing culturally safer […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 3: Communication (Fall 2024)
Register Here This session we will discuss foundational communication skills such as active listening. We will also explore a person-centered framework used to guide conversations focusing on what’s important to a person with life limiting illness.
The Next Day: What Happens After Someone Dies
onlineRegister Here Part of our Grief & Bereavement Literacy ECHO series After someone dies they are transferred into the care of the entirely privatised BC deathcare system. In this session, Emily from DeathCare BC will take participants through the initial decisions and journey of those early days after death. Emily believes that knowing the […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 4: Comfort & Quality of Life (Fall 2024)
Register Here This session is an introduction to promoting comfort and quality of life for people with life-limiting illness. Learners will discuss applying the steps of symptom management and supporting wellness to a case study.
Compassion is Courage: How Our Neurobiology Supports Compassion Cultivation
Register Here All Together, a compassionate communities initiative, is open to Health Care Providers, Volunteers, Volunteer lead organizations, Community Groups, and individuals looking to be inspired by and learn from others developing compassionate communities. Don will share key concepts from his capstone project that focused on the supporting caregiver compassion in the Emergency Department. […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 5: Care Planning & Collaborative Practice (Fall 2024)
Register Here We will identify the importance of determining a person's goals for their care at end of life and discuss key elements of anticipatory care planning. Participants will discuss a case study to apply their learnings.
The Playful Art of Supporting Children with Grief: Using Play Therapy as a Way to Communicate
onlineRegister Here Part of our Grief & Bereavement Literacy ECHO Series Dallas Shirley will share from her years of experience supporting families with grief and loss, ways to use play therapy to support the grieving process. Following the presentation t here will be opportunity to interact and ask questions. Poster you can print and […]
Flexing Your Core ECHO-Domain 6: Loss, Grief, and Bereavement (Fall 2024)
Register Here In this session we will discuss how each person’s grief experience is unique. Participants will work through scenarios discussing ways to support patients and colleagues.