About Palliative Care

Palliative care is

An approach to care that provides comfort and aims to achieve the best possible quality of life for patients (adults and children) and their families who are facing problems associated with serious illness.

Examples of a serious illness: cancer, dementia, end-stage kidney and lung diseases, heart diseases, and stroke.

Facts about Palliative care

Pays close attention to and manages pain, nausea, difficult breathing, loss of appetite and confusion

Addresses the needs of patients and families, whether physical, emotional, social, practical, or spiritual.

Uses a team approach that may include volunteers, social workers and spiritual leaders, in addition to medical staff

Ensures that care is respectful and supportive of patient’s dignity and aligned with their wishes

Can be delivered in hospital, at a hospice, in a seniors home, or at home

Does not hasten or delay death

Watch these videos to learn more

Better Early than Late

Video by Pallium

Palliative Care Myths-1

Video by Pallium

Palliative Care Myths- 2

Video by Pallium

Choosing palliative care

  • If you or a loved one has received a serious illness diagnosis, you may want to ask your doctor about palliative care.
  • Palliative care may be appropriate at any age and any stage in the course of illness, together with other treatment plans or therapies.
  • Palliative care can be requested at any time during the serious illness journey.
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