Advance Care Planning Resources in Hindi
Promoting Advance Care Planning for the Hindi-speaking population in B.C.
October 2021-April 2022
An evaluation of the advance care planning resources for Punjabi-speaking members in the South Asian communities highlighted a need for these same resources to be translated into Hindi. To address this need, BCCPC initiated a new project to translate the advance care planning resources that had been previously culturally adapted for South Asian communities into Hindi.
The goal of this project is to improve advance care planning uptake by Hindi-speaking communities in B.C. and to empower them to advocate for care that is aligned with their wishes.
Adaptation Process 
BCCPC followed a public engagement approach for this project. This included:
- Establishing a Hindi-speaking Working Group (5 people from across B.C.)
- Hiring 2 translators to translate resources and verify each others’ work
- Review of resources by Working Group for cultural reading levels, colloquialisms, and terms borrowed from other languages
- Incorporating agreed-upon changes by the Working Group
- Piloting the resources with a 10-person community focus group
- Finalizing changes and preparing the resources for web-posting
Project Outputs
The project aimed to produce 8 key advance care planning resources in the Hindi language:
- Advance Care Planning Checklist
- Conversation Starter
- Information Booklet
- What You Need to Know about Enhanced Representation Agreements (Section 9)
- What You Need to Know about Being a Representative in an Enhanced Representation Agreement (Section 9)
- A Guided Tour of the BC Government’s Representation Agreement (Section 9) Form
- Definitions
- Adding the option to view the advance care planning information on our website in the Hindi language
Translated Resources
Between November 2021 and March 2022, two (2) translators and five (5) Working Group members reviewed the Advance Care Planning resources, translating them and discussing relevant cultural considerations for a Hindi-speaking population. Working Group members came from across B.C. and worked both individually and collaboratively to produce high quality materials. This project could not have been completed without their dedication and hard work, as such, we would like to sincerely thank:
- Varinder Kaur
- Prachi Khanna
- Pushpa Kumar
- Gagan Kurrha
- Sonia Lotay
- Parvinder Singh
- Rajeev Vishwakarma
Focus Group
We partnered with the Vedic Seniors Centre in Surrey to test the translated resources in March 2022. We are very thankful to the organizers and 10 community participants for their participation and support in the project. The feedback provided during this full-day session helped us to refine and improve these resources.

Resources produced in Hindi:
Rather than a single page of information and a page of resources, the ACP information is now covered over 5 pages, with an expanded resources page and a glossary. Using a language selector present on translated pages, users can choose their preferred language from English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Punjabi and Hindi. The content can be viewed by smartphone, tablet and PC.
Presentations & Publications
Quality Forum 2022
For further information
For any further information about this project, please contact Pam Martin.